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Act for Peace


Report on the Rohingya Refugee Response in Bangladesh 

Act for Peace has published a Report on the Agenda for a Dignified and Sustainable Rohingya Refugee Response in Bangladesh which is open for comment. 

An Agenda for a Dignified and Sustainable Refugee Response in Bangladesh May 2021 

Open for Comment for 60 days until: 30 July 2021

Act for Peace welcomes comment and information relevant to this report and the positions and recommendations made. Feedback from Rohingya refugees, other affected persons, refugee-led organisations, and organisations seeking to contribute to protection and solutions is particularly welcome. Act for Peace seeks to provide interested and affected parties with an opportunity to consider the questions, issues, and recommendations put forward in this report, and welcomes constructive feedback through an initial period of 60 days, closing on 30 July 2021. Act for Peace will consider comments made and incorporate feedback either into a revised version of the report, or in future research, analysis, and advocacy work. All feedback received will help inform Act for Peace’s strategy moving forward and is greatly appreciated. Please send comments to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Left: Cover Photograph: Richard Wainwright, 24 March 2018 


That's a wrap: Act for Peace Ration Challenge 2021

After all the planning, the fundraising, the rationing, and the rice (so much rice), finishing the Ration Challenge each year always brings an overwhelming sense of achievement, but also humility and sadness at the realisation that many refugees experience eating rations for many, many years and for them there is no end in sight. 

Thank you to all involved. How much did we raise for refugees? 

The current tally is $1.26 million raised between individuals and schools in Australia. That’s $1.26 million that will bring emergency food, healthcare and life-saving support to those who need it most.

Individual donation pages will stay open until December, or general donations can still be made here

Read more about the work with Act for Peace partners on their blog page: That's a wrap: Act for Peace Ration Challenge 2021

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