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 First Nations 


3 - 10 July 2022 - Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! 

NAIDOC Week is just around the corner.

This year's theme is Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up!

The theme calls for all Australians to continue advocating for systematic change.

"We all must continue to Get Up! Stand Up! Show Up! for systemic change and keep rallying around our mob, our Elders, our communities.

Whether it’s seeking proper environmental, cultural and heritage protections, Constitutional change, a comprehensive process of truth-telling, working towards treaties, or calling out racism—we must do it together." NAIDOC Committee.  

NAIDOC Week is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life. The week is a great opportunity to participate in a range of activities and to support your local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. We are invited to walk with the First Nation people in a movement of the Australian people for a better future. 

Visit the NAIDOC website  to found out more.

There are events being held across the nation to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 

 To join in the celebrations, view the NAIDOC events calendar to find an event near you.   

NAIDOC Week reflections

Uniting Church in Australia

The Uniting Church joins with the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress (UAICC) in celebrating Australia’s First Peoples and their place at the heart of the nation and church. 

- The Strength Within - To Takamuna Rrala (to stand, to rise up strong)  Thanks to Palawa women Alison Overeem and Grace Williams from Leprena UAICC Tasmania for sharing this NAIDOC Week reflection


Four First Nations Christian leaders reflect on this year's NAIDOC theme 

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander approaches to theology:

A first offering from the new School of Indigenous Studies

The University of Divinity has announced that the School of Indigenous Theology is now accepting enrolments for its first academic unit, ‘Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Approaches to Theology’

When: To be offered on Monday nights in 2nd semester and taught by Dr Garry Deverell, a Trawloolway man and Anglican priest.

Information about the subject, its content, and how to enrol can be found on the School of Indigenous Studies website 

Read more: visit the University of Divinity website page here 

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