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A Blessing for the New Financial Year


Let us give thanks for the real bottom line,

the place where we think less of profit and loss,

and more of gratitude and compassion.

The world is full of columns and numbers and spreadsheets

and God knows we need to attend to such matters

because injustice thrives in confusion,

and power does not like to be made accountable.

But none of us works for a line in a ledger.

We work to  make the world more whole.

Jesus knew a lot about money.

Thirty pieces of sliver, one hundered denarii, the head of 

Caesar on a coin, the widow's mite, the workers who came late,

the parable of the talents, the gold at his birth,

the traders in the temple, the tax collector, the treasure in a field,

the pearl of great price, the lots cast for his underwear,

the rich young man who went away sad,

the eye of a needle.

He built deep questions around such stories and images.

What are we making of the world? Why? How will we grow?

The questions 'Who am I?' is answered in another: 'Who is your neighbour?'

May we be hungry this year rather than greedy.

Hungry for kindness and encounter.

Spendthrift of grace.

Reckoned by love.

by Michael McGirr, 2023 






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