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NCCA 11th National Forum 2024

Messages of Hope in a complex world

‘Let us hold on unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.’ HEBREWS 10:23

At the U-City Function room in Adelaide CBD, approximately 55 people from 12 member churches and 4 state ecumenical bodies gathered for the 2024 Forum. Through prayer, reflection, discussion and discernment, they provided valuable information that will form the basis for the activities and issues of focus for the NCCA over the coming years.

The program was full, and diverse in its richness, as the 'short version' shows us below.

Friday 21st June

  • Welcome 
  • Opening prayer - NCCA
  • President's reflection
  • General Secretary's overview & NCCA Pilgrimage since 1994
  • Welcome Dinner 
  • 30th Anniversary Ecumenical Service - Pilgrim Uniting Church

Sunday 23rd June 

  • Morning free to attend local churches or
  • Rev Jerry Pillay, guest preacher, St Peter's Anglican Cathedral, Choral Eucharist
  • Lunch
  • 2nd Dialogue and discernment session
    • NCCA Purpose Pillars 
  • Buffet Dinner 
  • Evening Prayers
    • Orthodox Pentecost Vespers 

Saturday 22nd June

  • Morning prayer led by Catholic delegates 
  • Bible study, reflection with Guest, Prof Anne Pattel-Gray
  • Keynote Address: Rev Prof Dr Jerry Pillay, General Secretary, World Council of Churches
  • Reporting session 1: 
    • Strategic Roadmap and Safe Church Program | Finance Overview  | Faith and Unity Commission 
  • Reporting session 2:
    • Indigenous Ecumenical Network | ACRT | Act for Peace  |ACET 
  • 1st Prayer and Reflection session 
    • survey results | Purpose, Values | Table Talk 
  • Closing prayer led by Quaker delegates 


More photos of the Forum can be viewed on our Gallery page:





Monday 24th June

  • Morning prayer led by Salvation Army delegates
  • Bible Study/Reflection - Rev Jerry Pillay
  • Group Work 
    • Final Dialogue and discernment session
  • Closing Prayers, NCCA
  • Lunch 


We are always grateful for the work of our Christian media networks and are humbled when our work or events are featured. We share a few from a list of articles related to the NCCA Forum in Adelaide.


World Council of Churches

WCC general secretary preaches in Australia on "Christ our spiritual compass and hope” | WCC - oikoumene.org 

Read a Homily by the WCC General Secretary in St. Peter’s Cathedral in Adelaide |  WCC - oikoumene.org 

WCC general secretary addresses 11th Forum of National Council of Churches in Australia | WCC news release, 23 June 2024 

Watch Video recording of the keynote address of the WCC general secretary at the Forum of National Council of Churches in Australia

Photo gallery: visit of the WCC general secretary to Australia

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