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Catholic Earthcare Convocation

Season of Creation Convocation 2024 

Caritas Australia's Catholic Earthcare program is holding a Convocation for the Season of Creation. Join them to celebrate the Season of Creation in 2024. 

We are called together during this convocation to ‘wonder’, ‘weave’ and ‘heal’ Earth and the whole of creation.

Gather online during Day 1 and 2 to engage in keynote presentations, workshops, discussions and spiritual experiences. 

Day 3 gather together in diocesan hubs to transform learning into action. 

There is an online option if you are unable to attend a hub

When: 12-14 September 2024

Where: Online and Diocesan Hubs

Download: the Convocation Schedule 

Register: Season of Creation Convocation 2024 | Catholic Earthcare (caritas.org.au) and visit to find out more. 

For more information email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Hub Locations

  • Cairns – Seville Mercy Centre 
  • Perth - Catholic Pastoral Centre Highgate
  • Maitland-Newcastle – Resource Centre 
  • Brisbane – Francis Rush Centre Hanly Room 
  • Broken Bay – Terrey Hills St Anthony in the Fields Parish 
  • Sydney – St Fracis Xavier’s Lavender Bay 
  • Bathurst – Blayney Eco Hub 
  • Parramatta – Winbourne Mulgoa 
  • Canberra-Goulburn – Marist College Canberra 
  • Sandhurst – Chancery
  • Melbourne – St Joseph’s by the Sea


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