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Modern Slavery

ACCC Submission 

Closing Date: Friday 26 July 2024

Be Slavery Free invite you to join us in making a significant impact on sustainability and human rights by co-signing their submission to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) on the Draft Guide to Sustainability Collaborations and Australian Competition Law.

They believe laws and regulations should facilitate, not hinder, business collaboration to address both environmental sustainability and human rights. While the ACCC's Draft Guide supports environmental collaborations, it overlooks crucial social issues such as modern slavery, forced labour, and labour exploitation in supply chains.

Tackling these complex issues requires strategic collaboration among industry competitors, and our laws should support this. 

The Submission

The Be Slavery Free submission recommends expanding the definition of sustainability to include social dimensions, emphasising the interdependence between environmental, economic, and social sustainability outcomes. By helping to remove barriers to collaboration, we can drive meaningful change and ensure that Australia leads the way in comprehensive sustainability practices. 

See the full text of the submission  

Advocate for Change

By co-signing this submission with Be Slavery Free, you can help drive the expansion of sustainability definitions to include social dimensions. Together, we can create a regulatory environment that promotes collaboration and transparency, ultimately leading to better outcomes for people and the planet. 

How to Co-Sign

To add your name to this important submission, please head to the 'Be Slavery Free' website. You can sign as an individual or as a representative of your organisation.  

Co-sign the submission 

Co-signing will be available until 26 July 2024, noon AEST.

The team at Be Slavery Free thank you for your continued support and dedication to making the world a more sustainable and just place. Your participation in this initiative can make a real difference.  












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