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NCCA news

Messages of Hope in a complex world

‘Let us hold on unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.’ (Hebrews 10:23)

With the 11th NCCA Forum behind us, the past few weeks have been ones of peace, fullness and hope as we now turn to discerning the outcomes of our discussions and reflections of those few days in June.

The NCCA has now made publicly available, the prayers, sermons and bible reflections from each of the four days of the Forum.

Please find them listed and available for download:

on our website page under National Forums - 2024 Post Forum Documents      

Documents available include:

Bible Reflection

Prof Dr Anne Pattel Gray John 17 20–23

(pictured right - image credit: NCCA)


Keynote Address

Rev Prof Dr Jerry Pillay 22 June 2024 - PDF

Video recording of the Keynote Address of the WCC General Secretary at the Forum of National Council of Churches in Australia

(pictured right - image credit: NCCA)



PRAY 1.0 Friday Opening Prayers 21 June 2024

PRAY 1.1 Friday Ecumenical Service 21 June 2024

PRAY 2.0 Saturday morning Prayers 22 June 2024

PRAY 2.1 Saturday Closing Prayers 22 June 2024

PRAY 3.0 Sunday Orthodox Vespers Sunday 23 June 2024

PRAY 4.0 Monday Closing Prayers 24 June 2024

(image credit: NCCA)



Rev John Gilmore, 2 Kings reflection, at Pilgrim Uniting Church, Adelaide 21 June 2024 

Rev Prof Dr Jerry Pillay at St Peter's Anglican Church, Adelaide 23 June 2024 

(pictured right - image credit: NCCA)


Also available on The World Council of Churches website

Address to the 11th Forum of the National Council of Churches in Australia by the WCC general secretary

Photo gallery: visit of the WCC general secretary to Australia

(pictured right - image credit: NCCA)


























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