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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 16:34

Interfaith News

7 June 2016 – Ramadan

7 June 2016 – Ramadan

The Islamic holy month of Ramadan commences in 2016 on 7 June. The word “Ramadan” is derived from an Arabic word for intense heat, scorched ground and shortness of food and drink. Fighting is not permitted during this period.

Fasting during Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars (fundamental religious duties) of Islam. It is traditional that Muslims fast during the daylight hours in the month of Ramadan. It is a period of increased religious devotion, in particular self-examination. During Ramadan the common practice is to have a pre-fast meal (suhoor) before sunrise and an evening meal (iftar) after sunset. Some groups of people are exempt from fasting including children, the sick and the elderly. Aside from fasting, sexual relations or smoking is not allowed during the day.

Muslims are encouraged to read the Qur'an with increased frequency during Ramadan, to donate to charity by participating in food drives for the poor, even to organize a collection or charity event and other voluntary activities. Special prayers known asTarawih are held in the mosques every night of the month, during which a section of the Qur'an is recited.


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