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Wednesday, 25 May 2016 15:39

Coming Events

Coming Events

6 June 2016 - World Environment Day

At the international level, this year's World Environment Day celebration are hosted by Angola, a country seeking to restore its elephant herds, conserve Africa's biodiversity-rich wildlife, and safeguard the environment as it continues to rebuild after more than a quarter century of civil war.

This year, the UnitingJustice World Environment Day resource has gathered together reflections from Indigenous, Pacific and Asian perspectives and stories from around the Uniting Church to inspire us to meet the challenge of our theme: 'Together for a world made whole. The resource also includes ideas for worship theological reflection on the lectionary readings for the week.

Pre-Forum Event, Friday 24 June

The Faith & Unity Commission presents an opportunity to engage with The Church, Towards a Common Vision WCC Faith & Order Paper 214 . Click here to see details.

Reimaging Faith Formation with John Roberto

Conference to explore disability and spirituality

A multi-faith conference exploring the relationship between spirituality and disability will take place from 21-23 August at the Jasper Hotel, Melbourne. The theme is ‘Exclusion and Embrace: Disability, Justice and Spirituality’.

The conference has the endorsement of a number of faith-based organisations including the Jewish Christian Muslim Association, the Faith Communities Council of Victoria and the Victorian Council of Churches. It features perspectives and stories from a range of faith traditions, as well as leading academics from Australia, the Netherlands and the USA who will share insights about theology and disability. The three day conference includes keynote speakers Prof Hans Reinders, Chair of Ethics at Holland's VU University, and Rev Bill Gaventa, an international expert in faith-based support.

Andy Calder, who is responsible for disability inclusion in the Victorian and Tasmanian Uniting Church Synod, is the conference convenor. He says “We have a wide range of subjects to explore. The place of people with disabilities within faith communities has been problematic, and this unique conference will explore theological understandings and practical responses. Our speakers are focusing on topical issues. For example, Dr Lorna Hallahan from Flinders University will offer a unique and challenging perspective on the place of spirituality within the new National Disability Insurance Scheme”.

The conference also features an art exhibition that reflects people’s experience of disability and spirituality as well as a special tribute to the late Rev Christopher Newell (AM) who was a visionary social activist and disability advocate.

Among the delegates will be people with disabilities, parents, carers, academics, workers and volunteers.  

Registration for the conference is open now, with an Early Bird special if you register by 17 June. For more information visit http://exclusionandembrace.melbourne/ or call Ann Byrne on 03 9251 5404. 

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