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Message from the President

Bishop Philip Huggins

The day after the Census results, I was at St Matthew’s East Geelong. The Revd Andrew Grills told us about a young woman recently converted, now fundraising for better care for homeless people.Bp PH 2 x30

This young woman was so astonished by the difference knowing Jesus makes, she couldn’t but tell others. That included people at the fast-food outlet where she works, especially her manager. With her encouragement, he started coming to Church. He kept coming, even when she went over-seas. (Andrew thought he might have been coming for romantic reasons!) 

Like her, he knew absolutely nothing about Christianity, even after 30 or so years on our island of Australia. For him, too, the intimacy and reality of a personal relationship with our Saviour Jesus, was a complete surprise.

Delightful! “Good News” in fact. 

Such a story conveys afresh that there is extraordinary ignorance about the Gospel and a wonderful response when people are carefully able to meet Jesus. Our nation has imported many people, most recently from China and predominantly Hindu India. There are now as many Muslims as Aboriginals.

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Rather than see this as a problem, let’s see it as an opportunity for engagement in the Spirit of the “One who was, who is, and who is to come”.

Bishop Philip Huggins




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