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Act for Peace

The 2017 Act for Peace Ration Challenge has launched!

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Take the Act for Peace Ration Challenge, 18-24 June 2017.

You can make a difference by raising vital funds and sharing your experience to raise awareness of the refugee crisis.   

Join more than 10,000 people across Australia, living on refugee rations during Refugee Week (18-25 June) and raise money and awareness for communities threatened by conflict and disaster.  

Eat the same as a Syrian refugee living in a camp in Jordan, a small amount of rice, lentils, chick peas, beans, fish and oil. That’s it! No red meat, no coffee, and no alcohol.

By taking this challenge you’re giving refugees the food, medicine and support they need to survive. You’re showing them that they’re not alone, that people in Australia are compassionate, and we’re prepared to do what it takes to help others in need. 

This year, around 10,000 people will be putting themselves in the shoes of a Syrian refugee for a week.

Will you join them?


Visit the Act for Peace website to sign up and see how you can make a difference.

Take the challenge.

Survive on rations.

Raise money and awareness. 

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