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Uniting Church in Australia celebrates 40 years

 UCA x300Wednesday 22 June 2017 marks 40 years since The Presbyterian, Methodist and Congregational Churches came together to become the Uniting Church in Australia (UCA). 

'The Uniting Church declares its desire to enter more deeply into the faith and mission of the Church in Australia, by working together and seeking union with other Churches.' The Basis of Union [revised 1992].

Many UCA congregations will be celebrating this union with prayer, song and worship in services around the country this month.

The Uniting Church Assembly is celebrating and remembering the journey since the inauguration in 1977 with 40 days of prayer from Sunday 14 May to Thursday 22 June. The prayers titled Forty years. Forty Days. Forty hours, can be found on the UCA Assembly website.

You can also watch a video of the story of the story of the Uniting Church in Australia, documenting their life, ministries and mission.

To find out more of the UCA story visit the Assembly website. 

The National Council of Churches congratulates the Uniting Church on this wonderful anniversary marking the spirit of ecumenism in Australia.

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