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Act for Peace

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Ration Challenge 2018

Thank you to all who participated and made this year's challenge a big success You are amazing!  

You have raised over $2.5 million together to show refugees you are with them and not against them. Watch the Act for Peace Ration Challenge THANK YOU Video here to find out what impact your fundraising has made.

Check out the Leaderboard, see how your friends and family are tracking with their fundraising and find out more about what happened in the Ration Challenge community during Refugee Week.

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Assala’s story

Assala lives in a tent in an urban refugee camp on the outskirts of Amman, Jordan, with her husband Ahed and their 13-year-old son Naser. They fled from Syria 6 years ago to escape the bombings. Assala hasn’t seen her mother, or her sisters, since then.

In Syria, the family lived a good life. They owned a chicken farm and sold olive oil. But now, Ahed has a back injury and can’t work, so Assala has to pick up whatever work she can to help feed her family. The family depend entirely on her small income, and the food rations they’ve received thanks to the money raised through the Ration Challenge. 

Visit the Act for Peace website today.


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