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Refugee Week 2019

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Refugee Week will be held from Sunday 16 June to Saturday 22 June

2019 Theme – ‘A world of stories’

Refugee Week is an opportunity to celebrate the contribution refugees make to our society, while raising awareness, remembering and honouring the perilous journey that refugees have taken to reach Australia.

Refugee Week is a time for Australians to raise awareness about the issues affecting refugees and celebrate the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society. Refugee Week coincides with World Refugee Day (20 June).

For more about events being held during the week visit the Refugee Week website events page 

‘Share a meal, Share a story…’

In 2019 we are encouraged to celebrate through sharing food and stories from around the world!

Food is one of the greatestways to bring people together to share our cultures with each other. This year’s theme  ‘A World of Stories’  brings food to the focus as we are asked to Share a meal, share a story…’

Businesses, community groups, schools, and individuals are encouraged to hold a food event where they can hear stories from this year’s Refugee Ambassadors, while sharing some of their favourite meals. This can be done by either inviting a refugee to your event, watching a video on the Refugee Week Ambassadors here or reading their stories at the event.

You can start a conversation in your workplace, school or community. For more information and to register click here

For the event pack email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Refugee Week - Lost Sheep Resources

Andrew McDonough is an Australian Author and Illustrator of the popular Lost Sheep stories used in Schools and Churches around the world. Over the last 27 years he has advocated for and helped many refugees settle in Australia.
As part of Refugee Week, June 16-22, Andrew wants to get his latest story 'Jesus was a Refugee' into the hands of as many Churches and organisations as possible. It includes the digital story for sharing in Church and loads of activity sheets. This is normally available for $14.95, but as it is such an important issue for our country, Lost Sheep is giving this away for free. Click here

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