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June 2020 Issue 1

Reflection for Trinity Sunday 7 June 2020

Unity in diversity is the very nature of God, the Blessed Trinity. 

Unity in diversity is our call and purpose. 


The NCCA meeting of Christian Church Leaders was held on Thursday 28 May 2020, via Zoom. Coming together like this provided a time of prayerful sharing and support.

Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people. Philemon 1:7

MAY 2020 CPSL & NCCA Webinars

Thank you to everyone who registered to be a part of CPSL & National Council of Churches Safe Church Program's webinar series on grooming awareness. We are grateful for your participation and commitment to ongoing learning and education to create safer churches for all. 

Following the Government’s announcement to slowly ease restrictions of public gatherings due to COVID-19, churches are beginning to re-open across Australia, and small religious services, of 20-50 people, are now able to be held. 

How refugees and migrant workers are bearing the brunt of COVID-19

“Whether we will continue to help the most vulnerable in this particularly challenging time is more a matter of moral and political will than of national capacity,” says Bishop Philip Huggins.

As we approach Refugee Week we share this article by Bishop Philip Huggins, NCCA President.  

Always on the move, never uprooted

You are invited to an evening of Taizé song and Meditative Prayer live via Zoom or Facebook

When: 12 June 2020 6.00-6.45 pm AEST  

You are invited to the live webinar "A Refugee's Contribution To The Multicultural Australian Society"

Organised by the Affinity Foundation, in collaboration with United Nations Association of Australia NSW Division.

Date: Tuesday 23rd June 2020 7 pm -8 pm

Child safe practices for faith based organisations

The NSW Office of the Children's Guardian is hosting a panel discussion and a series of webinars specifically targeted to faith based organisations. People in leadership, safeguarding and any child related roles within a faith setting are encouraged to attend.

Panel discussion: 24 June 10 am. 

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The first ever virtual Refugee Week!

2020 Theme – ‘celebrating the year of welcome’

Refugee Week will be held from Sunday 14 June to Saturday 20 June

spiritusx150Spiritus Short Film Prize 

REMINDER: Entries due. 

The Australian Centre for Christianity and Culture 2020 Spiritus Short Film Prize aims to contribute to a vision of hope and the common good for Australia.

Entries close: 5:00 pm 30 June 2020 (due to COVID-19 restrictions the prize giving date will be notified after 30 June).

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The Australian Religious Press Association (ARPA) Executive has announced their decision to cancel the ARPA Conference for 2020. Therefore, the Ramon Williams Scholarship will not be awarded this year.

However, they are pleased to confirm that the 2020 ARPA Awards will still go ahead. 

New Award deadline: 30 June 2020.   

World Council of Churches

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  • Churches amplify urgent calls to address violent racism in US & "Statement of Racial Justice in the USA"
    WCC  and Churches in the US collectively express anger and call for a change.
  • WCC blog - Lamentation in a Pandemic
    Behold, O Lord, for I am in distress... (Lamentations 1:20)


‘God, Heal Us as We are Vulnerable'.

Thousands across the world pray in unison, led by 22 ecclesiastical and ecumenical leaders from 20 Asian countries. NCCA President, Bishop Philip Huggins joined participants and viewers to pray on Asia Sunday, 24 May 2020.

Indigenous spirituality in a multicultural Australia

ABC Radio National's program God Forbid explores Indigenous Australian theology in an episode which aired Sunday 31 May 2020.

James Carleton speaks with Aunty Reverend Patricia Courtenay and Naomi Wolfe.

rel symbolsx150Multifaith responses to COVID-19: Governing in a crisis

An interfaith webinar discussion on how faith-based communities are responding to the challenges and opportunities of the pandemic now and into the future.

Date: Thursday 11 June 2020 4 pm to 5:15 pm

Joomla SEF URLs by Artio