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Our Churches post COVID-19

Following the Government’s announcement to slowly ease restrictions of public gatherings due to COVID-19, churches are beginning to re-open across Australia, and small religious services, of 20-50 people, are now able to be held.

But we need to ensure we do so safely, without posing further risks to others and public health and so that our Churches can remain open for all of us to come together during these difficult times. 

Church goers, including those attending for personal prayer, a worship service, mass or a sacrament such as confession, have to register your attendance at the Church or parish where you usually attend.   

Doing your part to complete the register, using hand sanitiser and keeping 1.5 metres from others will help to keep all Australians safe while enabling them to continue to practice their faith. 

  1. Look for the register and complete your details.
  2. Use hand sanitiser on entry and exit and when requested.
  3. Keep 1.5 metres space between others – in front, behind and next to you.



Read the SBS article Australia's places of worship reopen their doors as Corona virus restrictions ease  

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