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A Mile in My Shoes

Help bring this experience to Sydney

Twenty-five million people call Australia home – and each person has a story. Our friends at the Australian National Maritime Museum are launching a new initiative, ‘A Mile in my Shoes’, to shine a light on the extraordinarily diverse experience of immigrants to Australia.

Originally created by the UK Empathy Museum, this immersive art experience invites visitors to literally walk in someone else’s shoes and listen to their story, promoting empathy and compassion.

To bring the exhibition to Sydney, they need your support. Find out more and donate on the crowdfunding page where you can make a tax deductible donation before the end of the financial year 30 June!

Supporting the Australian National Maritime Museum’s crowd funding campaign will enable the museum to present the award winning A Mile In My Shoes project, conceived by the Empathy Museum (UK), in January 2021 as part of the Sydney Festival, giving Sydney the opportunity to literally, walk in the shoes of migrants and hear their stories.   

The Australian National Maritime Museum are seeking to bring the project to Australia as our country really needs it right now.  COVID-19 has reportedly triggered appalling discrimination against some community groups and it is hoped that this project will soften the hearts and minds of everyone who participates in it and be a balm for Australia’s migrants and their friends. 

Visit: Facebook and YouTube to find out more about this immersive storytelling experience encouraging empathy and compassion.

The project is described on the Australian National Maritime Museum’s website and the A Mile in My Shoes crowd-funding campaign 

Image courtesy Empathy Museum 



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