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Act for Peace

Zimbabwe COVID-19 Crisis

COVID-19 has affected all of us, but not equally. Please give today to help provide food, soap and clean water, to families in need. 

“It is very difficult when you try to bring hope to a hungry person with nothing in your hands.” Maria Dendere, Zimbabwe Council of Churches

Image credit:Zimbabwe Council of Churches/Act for Peace

COVID-19 has affected all of us, but not equally.

Without the safety nets we have in Australia; and already weakened by drought, cyclones, HIV and economic collapse; lockdown now means it’s even harder for people in Zimbabwe to feed their families.

How do you eat when you’ve lost your ability to earn an income and there are no safety nets?

Please give today to help provide food, soap and clean water for families in need.

Make your donation online 

Make a gift now 



Together we can care for people who are hurting and build a better world for all. 

visit www.actforpeace.org.au














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