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Refugee Week 2021

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Get involved in Refugee Week!

2021 Theme – ‘Unity

Refugee Week will be held from Sunday 20 June to Saturday 26 June

The volatility of life in recent times has shown us unequivocally that we need to work together often merely to survive, let alone to thrive and progress. Let’s take the opportunity to start afresh and rebuild our lives together. To count our blessings and to put them to work. Existing and emerging communities. Working together.

Refugee Week is an opportunity to celebrate the contribution refugees make to our society, while raising awareness, remembering and honouring the perilous journey that refugees have taken to reach Australia.

Refugee Week is a time for Australians to raise awareness about the issues affecting refugees and celebrate the positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society. Refugee Week coincides with World Refugee Day (20 June).

Host a Refugee Week event online or in-personsee full calendar of events or register your own here

Become a Refugee Week Amplifier – share videos, graphics, news articles during Refugee Week to help us spread the word – sign up here to become an Amplifier and we will send you content on a regular basis.

Display Refugee Week posters – Download and display the Refugee Week poster  to display at your workplace (click on the image, left, to download the PDF) 

Become a Refugee Week sponsorcheck out the sponsor prospectus here 

• Host a ‘Share a meal, Share a story…’ event - in person or digitally, gather your friends and family together to share a special meal. With recipes and stories coming from our Refugee Week Ambassadors, this is the perfect way to reconnect with people after COVID-19 lockdown and raise much needed funds for the Refugee Council. Register an event and donate here.

In 2021 we are again encouraged to celebrate through sharing food and stories from around the world! Food is one of the greatest ways to bring people together to share our cultures with each other. In light of COVID-19, you can host your event either in-person or online. You could host a virtual meeting where you share a story from the Refugee Week website and each eat a meal in your own homes! The options can be as creative as you like!   

For further information please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 



  • 2020 Refugee and Migrant Sunday – resources for Worship or Personal Reflection From SA Churches Together HERE
  • President of the Uniting Church in Australia, Dr Deidre Palmer, offered this reflection at the Palm Sunday Peace Walk. Read HERE. She gives permission to share this message in your local church communities for Reflection.



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