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Queen's Birthday Honours

Ecumenists honoured

In the recent Queen's Birthday honours many people were recognised for their contribution to religious organisations and services. The NCCA congratulates all of them, with special mention to two friends of the NCCA who have been recognised for their contribution to ecumenical relations, theological studies, commitment to social justice and welfare and their churches


The Most Reverend Dr Phillip John ASPINALL AC, QLD 

Archbishop Aspinall has received the Highest award, Companion (AC): For eminent service to the Anglican Church of Australia, to the development of ecumenical relationships and professional standards, and through commitment to social justice and welfare.

Archbishop Aspinall is the Archbishop of Brisbane and the Anglican Church of Australia's representative on the World Council of Churches' Central Committee. He has been a valuable contributor to the NCCA.


The Reverend Dr Merryl Lois BLAIR OAM, VIC 

Rev Blair has received the award of OAM: For service to ecumenical and interfaith organisations. She has been a long-standing member of NCCA’s Faith & Unity Commission representing the Churches of Christ.


For the complete list of recipients please visit the Australian Government website. https://www.gg.gov.au/australian-honours-and-awards/order-australia

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