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 Online Event

Together in Spirituality: Fostering interreligious dialogue

Youth PoWR (Parliament of the World's Religions) host the final in their series on the four types of interreligious dialogue outlined in The Sydney Statement - the Dialogue of Religious Experience.

When: Thursday 16th June 2022, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm GMT+10 (AEST)

Tickets: available online at Humanitix  This event will be livestreamed on Zoom. You will receive a Zoom link via email within the week of the event. 

Event description

Living in multicultural, multi-faith Sydney, you will find many different places of worship, from Churches, to Mosques, Synagogues, Temples and Gurudwaras. Perhaps you’re curious about these places but don’t feel confident enough to visit them.

In this event, a panel of young adults will introduce their places of worship, its customs and traditions, and share their religious experiences associated with their visits. 


Youth PoWR (Parliament of the World’s Religions) gives young people aged 18-35 a voice and a vote in shaping our multicultural, multi-religious society. Following the launch of interfaith charter The Sydney Statement in March 2021, they have hosted a series of events which took a closer look at the Statement and how we can build bridges among believers from different religions.  

Read  the Statement at: https://www.thesydneystatement.org.au/ 

Share this event with you r friends, peers and networks and invite them to be a part of this conversation on  how we can cultivate dialogue and mutual respect among believers from different religions.    

Follow: YouthPoWR on Facebook

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