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World Council of Churches

World Council of Churches (WCC)  

     A symbol of the trinity, cross and resurrection - pulpit in the Evangelical Lutheran Christmas Church in Bethlehem, March 2020, Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

WCC presidents on Pentecost:

“The Holy Spirit moves the church towards a new vision”

The regional presidents of the World Council of Churches (WCC) shared a message for Pentecost.

In the Acts, the Holy Spirit brings new gifts, new ways to evangelise, new places to reach, new ways to live life, and pathways to reach those who have been discriminated against; it takes lives lived in the service of persecution and death and transforms them into lives in the service of Christs name and his good news; it gives power to confront political, military, and economic powers,”....

 The church understood the need to build safe spaces and thus save lives.”

Read more:

“The Holy Spirit moves the church towards a new vision.”  | World Council of Churches (oikoumene.org) 

11th Assembly Bible study - Pentecost

Part of a series of Bible studies in preparation for the WCC 11th Assembly, this seventh text was written by Karen Durant-McSweeney, from Friendship Methodist Church, Friendship Circuit, Guyana.


Transforming God, who sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples with a sound from heaven and in tongues of flame, filling them with joy and boldness to preach the everlasting Gospel; send us out in the power of the same Spirit to witness to your truth and to draw all peoples to you; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(adapted from a collect for Pentecost from the Prayer Book of the Methodist Church)


11th Assembly Bible study - Pentecost | World Council of Churches (oikoumene.org) 


 Photo: Albin Hillert/WCC

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