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NCCA signs joint resolution in support of Uluru Statement

On 27 May 2022, the fifth anniversary of the Uluru Statement from the Heart, the major religious organisations of Australia released a Joint Resolution in support of the Uluru Statement from the Heart at an event at Barangaroo, Sydney.

The unprecedented Joint Resolution calls for immediate bipartisan action to hold a referendum on a First Nations voice, as advocated by the historic consensus of Indigenous Australians in 2017.

A First Nations voice would be an Indigenous advisory body enabling Indigenous people a fairer say in laws and policies that affect them. It would be guaranteed by the Constitution and set up flexibly in legislation so it can evolve over time.

Acclaimed Indigenous film-maker Rachel Perkins gave a powerful and inspiring address entitled ‘From the Heart and the Soul’.

NCCA President, Rev John Gilmore is a signatory to the Joint Resolution and NCCA General Secretary, Liz Stone, signed on behalf of the President at the Barangaroo event.

Together with other faith groups in Australia, NCCA is committed to working together to ensure the success of a First Nations voice referendum. 

The Joint Resolution represents community consensus across divides of faith, tradition and belief and that the fulfilment of the Uluru Statement from the Heart can bring Australians together and can unite groups across the community.


 “On this day in 2017, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples came together at Uluru and asked Australians to walk with them towards a better future.

Through the Uluru Statement from the Heart, Indigenous Australians asked for constitutional recognition through a constitutionally guaranteed voice in their own affairs.

As leaders representing diverse religious communities, we declare our support of the Uluru Statement and its call for a First Nations Voice guaranteed by the Constitution.

We endorse this reform as necessary, right and reasonable.

Indigenous Australians must now be afforded their rightful place in the Australian Constitution.

There have been many processes and much work completed.

The one thing left to do is let the Australian people have their say.

We call on political leaders to take immediate action to hold a referendum on a First Nations Voice.” 




The Uluru Statement from the Heart

Find the links to The Uluru Statement website. 

Read the Our Story section of the website.

Hear The Uluru Statement of the Heart read in language  

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