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Religious advisory council

NSW Multicultural funding boost

The NSW Government has set aside $30 million to engage with multi-faith communities. 

NSW is set to create a religious advisory council as part of this multicultural funding boost. Members of the religious council will advise Government on issues of safety regarding places of worship in their communities. 

“We want to maintain that strong connection with these communities and their leaders, which is why we’re investing further in our multicultural, multilingual, and multi-faith society. ” said NSW Multiculturalism Minister Mark Coure 

“One of the key takeaways from the pandemic is the critical role of multicultural and faith communities in ensuring we are all connected, engaged and supported,” NSW Premier, Mr Perrottet said.

NSW is a state of great cultural and faith diversity. with almost 150 religions recognised and more than 215 languages spoken.

To find our more, read:

NSW Government Makes Record Investment Into State's Multicultural Future | NSW Government Media Statement, 10 June A022

NSW to create religious advisory council as part of multicultural funding boost | Sydney Morning Herald 

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