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Care of Creation

... “become protectors of this earth” 

“The world is facing a triple ‘pandemic’ of climate change, biodiversity loss and  pollution,” reads an introduction to the message. “Those hardest hit are those who have caused the least damage.”

“Faith Values and Reach - Contribution to Environmental Policy,” is an interfaith statement developed at Stockholm+50.

The statement begins with the preamble:

We, the representatives of various faith-based organizations, Indigenous cultures and wisdoms from around the world participating in the Stockholm+50, committed to caring for ecological justice and for protecting our one Earth, hereby make the following statement to the governments, UN entities, civil society, and all stakeholders of the “Stockholm+50” processes. 

It goes on to outline 10 Calls to Action and a further 6 commitments. The statement was signed by representatives of various faith-based organizations and Indigenous cultures across the world, including the World Council of Churches, and directed to the governments, UN entities, civil society, and all stakeholders of the “Stockholm+50” processes.


Interfaith statement at Stockholm+50 urges commitment “to become protectors of this earth” | World Council of Churches (oikoumene.org)

Find out more: Stockholm +50

(excerpt from Orthodox Times)

Ecumenical Patriarch will be awarded the title of Honorary Professor of (HOU)

June 16, 2022.

This afternoon, the Ecumenical Patriarch is scheduled to meet with Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and All Greece at the offices of the Holy Archdiocese of Athens at 19:30.

The award ceremony, which is going to take place on Friday, June 17, coincides with the International Day against Desertification and Drought of the Planet.

It is noted that the award of the title of Honorary Professor is the highest academic distinction and highlights the Patriarch’s internationally documented multi-year and multifaceted contribution to the protection and enhancement of the environment. At the end of the ceremony, the Ecumenical Patriarch will deliver a speech entitled “Decalogue of Social Ecology”.

The ceremony will be broadcast live via live streaming on the official channel of the Hellenic Open University on YouTube

Read: Ecumenical Patriarch will be awarded the title of Honorary Professor of HOU | Orthodox Times

More Orthodox Times articles: 

Ecumenical Patriarch - The life of the Church is the answer and the solution to the ecological problem  

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