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President's Reflection

A week or so back I was part of a dialogue with leaders from the Jewish and Islamic faith communities. Whilst there were a good number of people on the Zoom link up, we were all conscious that the perspectives we were bringing were our own as representatives of our communities.

The question we reflected on was how we understand the action of God in times of disaster.  A big theme to discuss in 2 hours! 

These three monotheistic communities present in the dialogue, share much in common in terms of an appreciation of creation and a respect of God as creator.  There were moments when I was led to reflect in a new way – such as understanding the initiative God takes in creation out of chaos being an expression of grace.  

One of the contrasts in the dialogue was highlighted in the Christian narrative of the life, death and resurrection of Jesus and the way in this we see the vulnerability and action of God. This aspect of our Christian identity and the place of the Christian scriptures are points of difference. 

These differences were recognised and discussed. In the acknowledgement of difference there was respect and appreciation of our perspectives.  I did not experience any pressure to not be distinctive, and neither did the others in the call. 

We came away with respect for each other and a sensitivity to our differences. Together we experienced Shalom.   

Rev. John Gilmore

NCCA President 


Above: Participants in the 9 June 2022, Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Moslems and Jews.


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