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Recent Events

#LetThemStay - Churches Unite

#LetThemStay - Churches Unite

Following the High Court decision enabling the Australian Government to deport 267 asylum seekers, including 37 babies, back to Nauru, several churches and cathedrals across Australia are offering sanctuary to those asylum seekers at risk of being forcibly deported back to a hellish existence.

To date, more than 50 churches from nine denominations, six cathedrals, two orders of nuns and a mosque have committed to providing sanctuary.

Thousands of people across Australia have rapidly joined the movement, calling on the Australian Government to let these 267 asylum seekers facing removal to offshore detention stay in Australia. In two short weeks, hundreds of events have been organised across the nation, and campaigners are showing their support for the cause online using the hashtag #LetThemStay.

Catholic sisters, Anglican, Uniting Church and Baptist church ministers have spoken publicly throughout Australia to offer protection to asylum seekers who face deportation to a place where people face unimaginable situations. Other Australian international aid and community sector agencies have united with churches across the country, and the Calvary and St Vincent’s hospital networks have publicly offered medical support to any asylum seeker in a sanctuary.

The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce, supported by the National Council of Churches in Australia and Act for Peace, initiated this movement in Australia under the leadership of the Very Revd. Dr Peter Catt, the Anglican Dean of St John’s Cathedral in Brisbane.

Churches, schools and businesses can show their support by hanging a banner with #LetThemStay outside or in their windows. You can also share messages of solidarity online using the hashtag #LetThemStay.

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