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Our Works - EAPPI

Our Works - EAPPI

Peter is just finishing 3 months of service with the Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel (EAPPI), a program of the World Council of Churches. He has been based in Bethlehem, where his work has included providing protective presence to Palestinian children on their way to school and while at school so they are not harassed by Israeli security forces. Peter has also been monitoring the operation of the Bethlehem Checkpoint which is one of the main entry points for West Bank Palestinians to access Jerusalem for work, worship, and family gatherings.

Peter is a professional photographer and art teacher based in Sydney, and has used these gifts to capture some of his experiences in Palestine and Israel to share back in Australia.

This photo essay about the Bethlehem checkpoint is published on the EAPPI international blog: http://blog.eappi.org/2016/02/22/visualizing-check-point-300-a-photo-essay/


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