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Coming Events

World Day of Prayer – Friday 4 March

World Day of Prayer – Friday 4 March

This year the country of focus is CUBA, providently so much in the news over recent months. Cuba and its people have suffered much in the last half century. Its government and the sanctions, imposed by the USA and consequently other countries, means they have little. 

The practice of religion was marginalised and living conditions deteriorated. Today there is religious freedom and growth in Christian congregations but few adequate or new buildings. Housing conditions mean several generations share a small unit and tensions rise leading to discontent and violence. There is much to pray about for the people of Cuba and especially the young. 

The theme is “receive children, receive me”(Mk9: 33-37, 10: 13-15).

I hope you can encourage all Christian women and men to attend on Friday 4 March. The website has excellent resource material - www.worlddayofprayeraustralia.org 

Palm Sunday Peace Rally Sunday 20 March 

“Close Manus, Close Nauru – end the brutal and de-humanising offshore detention policy.

Let the 267 vulnerable people seeking a safer life, stay in Australia. Allow the 30,000 people who are refugees living in our communities, but have been granted restrictive temporary visas, to have permanent protection and security in Australia.
Increase Australia’s humanitarian refugee intake from 12,000 people fleeing conflict in Syria and Iraq to at least 24,000 refugees.

Seek a regional solution with our neighbours for the people seeking security and protection in Australia’s region.

Refugees are welcome here.” 

Across Australia:

Adelaide: 2pm Parliament House https://www.facebook.com/events/604246226390005/

Brisbane: 1pm Queens Park, Corner Elizabeth and George Sts https://www.facebook.com/events/1396770633955743/

Canberra: 1pm Garema Place https://www.facebook.com/events/530421310459429/

Launceston: Gathering at 1.45pm for 2.00pm start at Prince's Square and heading to the City Park

Melbourne: 2pm State Library https://www.facebook.com/events/1045381425492119/

Newcastle: 11.30am, Pacific Park https://www.facebook.com/events/220958594917089/

Perth: 1pm St. Georges Cathedral https://www.facebook.com/events/1280327001993598/

Sydney: 1pm at Belmore Park (across from Central Station) and march to Victoria Park (next to University of Sydney). https://www.facebook.com/events/525577767609448/

  1. 1-19 March - Month of Fasting, Bahai
  2. 14 March - Beginning of the Great Lent, Orthodox
  3. 20 March - Palm Sunday, Christian
  4. 25 March - Good Friday, Christian
  5. 27 March - Easter Sunday, Christian
  6. 28 March - Easter Monday, Christian

Date Claimers:
9th National Forum: 24-27 June 2016

Uniting Women Conference: 28 April 2016

UnitingWomen conference gets underway in Adelaide on 28 April 2016. The last conference was a joyous gathering full of wonderful and inspiring stories so don't miss out. See: http://unitingwomen.org.au/

National Young Adult Leaders Conference8-13 July 2016

Are you hiding a young church leader under a bushel basket? Let them shine at the next National Young Adult Leaders Conference on the Gold Coast from 8-13 July. Registrations opened this week and close on 17 June. See: http://nyalc.org.au/

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