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Our People

Noelene Osora

Noelene Osora

Noelene Osora was appointed Executive Assistant to the General Secretary of the NCCA in May 2015. She was drawn to the NCCA and the programmes/works conducted in its name, having run the Christmas Bowl appeal annually at her church.

The Randwick Congregation of the Uniting Church is where Noelene’s affiliation has been since her three children were little – they are now adults and living in Sydney/Melbourne and Japan. She has contributed significantly to this community, assisting with Sunday School teaching, serving as an Elder, as Secretary-Treasurer, and Lay Preacher. Noelene has also been a representative at the Presbytery level (a regional grouping, compared with Synod or state level, and then Assembly or national level).  She enjoys this participation in the larger work of the Uniting Church which is particularly active in social justice and eco-mission activities, and has a great sense of ecumenism, that it is valid and necessary for churches to work together.

Noelene has previously worked as a Liaison Officer for a peak body responsible for adult education for four years and prior to that has had a number of jobs, including teaching Japanese in Catholic primary schools in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney.

Noelene and her husband enjoy 4WD-ing, especially going back to the country around Broken Hill where she was raised – to enjoy God’s creation, and to enjoy listening to the sounds and the silence!

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