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Act for Peace

Our Work in Sri Lanka

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Photo Credit: OfERR/Act for Peace
Janarthan’s Story

With your help, Act for Peace’s partner, the Organisation for Eelam Refugees Rehabilitation (OfERR), is providing support services to assist refugees returning to Sri Lanka and creating a supportive environment for returnees by raising awareness at the community level for the difficulties they face upon return.

Please give generously to continue our life-saving work here or find out about how you can become an Act for Peace Changemaker.

Returning home to Sri Lanka

Janarthan* is 36 years old. He grew up in Sri Lanka and during the civil war faced army round ups and forcible recruitment by militant groups. In 2006, with his wife and two small children he fled his homeland and they became refuges in India.

For ten years Janarthan’s family have lived in a refugee camp run by the Indian Government, where refugees are also supported by Act for Peace's partner, the Organisation fo Eelam Refugees Rehabilitation (OfERR). While in the camp, a third child was born into the family and thanks to your kindness, they received medical care and education for our children.

In the last year your generous support has assisted his family to prepare and return safely to their home in Sri Lanka. OfERR has equipped them for resettlement and helped Janarthan’s family with the correct travel documents,

which would have been difficult to obtain by themselves.

Janarthan says “When we arrived back in our village in Sri Lanka, it was an emotional homecoming to see my parents and sisters after so many years apart.” Janarthan’s old house had fallen into disrepair and he made contact with the Welcome Group that was formed by OfERR to assist returning refugees restart their lives. A Welcome Group is made up of both locals in the community and other returning refugees.

OfERR’s Welcome Group also accompanied me to the Department of Immigration and Emigration to obtain a Sri Lankan birth certificate and citizenship for Janarthan’s youngest child, born in the refugee camp in India. OfERR have assisted in registering with the government to receive resettlement assistance and obtain a National Identity Card. The support from the Welcome Group and OfERR staff has instilled confidence in Janarthan to persevere with resettlement for his family.

“I am so glad we have returned and are restarting our lives in Sri Lanka….. Now I am busy growing rice on my family’s acre of land plus I grow vegetables at home…. I do daily physical labour work to support my family. My two eldest children are enrolled in the nearby school.”

“If you can work hard with perseverance, you can stand on your feet without any difficulty and lead your life with freedom and dignity. Thank you again for your support in helping my family return home.”

*Janarthan’s name has been changed to protect his identity.

Through your support of community ‘Welcome Groups’ families and individuals learn to work together to solve problems and provide returned refugees with the knowledge and skills they need to access essential government services. For many returning Sri Lankans, this interaction with the Welcome Group provides a sense of belonging, a role in the community and an opportunity to help rebuild their nation.

Please give generously to continue our life-saving work. 


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