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The Syrian Conflict and a Faithful Response

7 years of Conflict in Syria

The Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) notes that March 15, 2018 marks 7 years of conflict in Syria, resulting in hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions displaced from their home. 

What can you do?


M. Innx350


Massacre of the Innocents
(Léon Cogniet 1824)


  • Donate to the humanitarian relief
  • Write to or visit your local Member of Parliament or
  • Pray.

Visit the ACRT website for more information on how you can make a response now.

Read the Taskforce's Media Release on this sad anniversary.

In the painting Massacre of the Innocents (right), mothers are fleeing from Herod’s soldiers clutching their babies. The hand covering the baby’s mouth, suggests the need for silence, to retain life. The mother’s fear is palpable and it impossible to turn away from the striking image of her face. This image starkly reminds us, another massacre is occurring in Syria today and we cannot remain silent.


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