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Interfaith News

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Two more Baha'i leaders released

It is with great pleasure we advise of the release of the fifth and sixth Baha’I leaders in Iran.

Mr Jamaloddin Khanjani and Mr Vahid Tizfahm, have now been released from prison after completing their ten-year sentence. 

Mr Khanjani, aged 84, is the oldest of the seven. He was released on 16 March. His wife of more than 50 years, Ashraf Khanjani, passed away in 2011 while he was in prison, but he was not permitted to attend her funeral. 

Mr Tizfahm, the youngest member at age 44, was released on 19 March. His son was in grade three when he was arrested in 2008, and has grown to adulthood without his father. 

The NCCA rejoices in their return home to their loved ones. We lament the fact that they have lost the last decade of their lives in prison for their faith. 

The is one member of the group, Mr Afif Naeimi, 56, who remains imprisoned. He is due to complete his sentence in the coming months.

Our prayers are with him and our friends in the Baha'i community.

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