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Into the Deep: Seeking justice for the people of West Papua

Social Justice Paper 82 coverx300The Australian Catholic Social Justice Council (ACSJC) has released the 82nd book in their Social Justice Series Papers. In this issue, Peter Arndt examines issues faced by the indigenous people of West Papua.

The ACSJC publish these papers on a regluar basis, covering many topics and social issues to stimulate discussion and provide information.

This issue is witten by Peter Arndt, who has made several trips to West Papua, working for justice and freedom. He has heard firsthand the accounts of unfair and inhuman treatment.

‘That deep reflection on Gospel values and Church teaching is what makes this publication so inspiring. Peter places his friends’ experience in the context of the Scriptures and looks deeply into the Church’s teachings on justice and asks what he must do. He discerns the answer with clarity and courage.’ (Bishop Vincent Long, Chairman, ACSJC)

If you would like to purchase 82. Into the Deep: Seeking justice for the people of West Papua by Peter Arndt. Click here to download an order form

International orders are welcome. Please contact the ACSJC Secretariat to arrange your payment.

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