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Lenten Resources

 Photo credit: N.Osora 

Jesus Is Tested in the Wilderness

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, left the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing during those days, and at the end of them he was hungry. Luke 4:1-2 (NIV)


The following is a short selection of resources that you may find useful for your own prayers and reflections during this season of Lent that commences for the Western Churches on 6 March 2019.


Lenten Studies in Luke' s Gospel Year C By Robert Bos

Rob Bos one of Australia's leading educators, offers six lenten studies for Year C plus reflections and personal challenges. Simple to use and inspiational, topics focus on Jesus' road to the cross; our response to God's gift of life to live in the grace of God.

Cost: $11.95

Available through: MediaCom Education Incorporated http://www.mediacom.org.au/?qSearch=led+by+the+spirit&Go=SEARCH 

Discount for bulk orders -please contact MediaCom. Free Call Australia 1800 811 311 



The 2019 Lent studies by Bishop Doug Stevens

The StudyBook includes six studies. The readings are based on the Year "C" lenten lectionary readings using ‘The Australian Lectionary’.

A PDF file sample study is available for download using the link below. 


Cost: $ 9.95 plus postage

Available through: Grassroots.com.au http://www.grassroots.com.au/Orders/Purchase.html 

Discounts on "Today With Jesus" for orders 50 and over. Free postage on orders of 40+



2019 Lenten program from Evangelisation Brisbane 

The Gospel Reflections have been written by Fr John Chalmers, Director of Mission and Formation, Centacare, Brisbane. The opening and closing prayers are written by Sophy Morley, Diocesan Coordinator for Liturgy, Diocese of Sale.

The Lent program is a six session resource for groups or individuals that provides a process for reflection and discussion on the Sunday Scriptures during Lent. The program consists of a participant’sbook, DVD/CD set, prayer cards and poster.

Cost: Book $8.80, DVD/CD $17.60, APP $1.99, Prayer Cards $13.20 pk 100

Available through: Evangelisation Brisbane online shop -  http://evangelisationbrisbane.org.au/product-category/lent-pentecost/




Lenten Program 2019, Catholic Diocese of Wollongong

TRUST is a 76-page full colour book and triple CD resource.  It includes short daily reflections (from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday) in addition to the longer-form Sunday Gospel reflections, spiritual direction, gospel readings, responsorial psalms, prayers and reflection questions that are traditionally part of the Lenten program for groups. It is also perfect for individuals who cannot attend a Lenten group.

Cost: $9.90 - $5.50 depending on quantity purchased

Available through: Diocese of Wollongong online shophttp://www.dow.org.au/news/news-and-media/item/trust-lenten-program-2019-order-now 

Bulk pricing starting from only $5.00 per copy for oders over 100  




A Lenten calendar from the Catholic Religious Australia

This Lent, reflect on and transform your relationship to God’s creation through simple daily gestures and commitments.

Take this time as an opportunity to live more wisely, think more deeply and love more generously.

Download the PDF calendar here 

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