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March 2019 Issue 3


Palm Sunday recalls Jesus' somewhat solitary walk.

There is much shouting of hosannas and waving of hands but no real understanding of what is going on. Life, death and eternity are being integrated. That is what is going on.

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Archbishop Stylianos Harakanikis

Our condolences are with our brothers and sisters in Christ of the Greek Orthodox Church of Australia and New Zealand. Greek Orthodox Archbishop of Australia and Primate of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia Archbishop Stylianos Harkianakis passed away on Monday evening 25 March aged 84.


Round 4 funding increased for religious organisations

The Australian Government has increased funding for the upcoming round of grants from the Safer Communities Fund to increase security at their premises. Fifty five million dollars has now been prioritised for religious schools, places of religious worship and religious assembly.

Applications close: 4 April 2019 5:00 pm AEDT

Glenburnie LogoThe Glenburnie Program

This funding program takes its name from a property in Western Australia. Funding from this program is intended to “provide resources for the churches and the community on issues relating to a just, participatory and sustainable society."

Closing date for applications: 30 April 2019. 

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Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Roundtable

Online registration now open
When: 2 May 2019
Where: Barbara Dowling Room, Chapter House, 209 Flinders Lane Melbourne, Anglican Diocese of Melbourne

Churches need to be equipped with appropriate and effective ways to identify, prevent and respond to domestic and family violence. 


Procurement Fundamentals

The workshop is designed for anyone who has a need to understand and/or manage supply chains and wants to make a difference in eradicating modern day slavery.

Sydney:  16 April 2019 8.30 am to 4.30 PM
Venue: TBA upon registration

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The Ramon Williams ARPA scholarship 2019
Closing Date for applications: Monday 1 May 2019 at 5 pm (AEST).

2019 ARPA Awards for Excellence
Entries must be received by the Executive Officer no later than 5 pm on Friday 17th May 2019.

ASCM logo

Australian Student Christian Movement (ASCM) 

Meet old and new friends, share ideas, share lunch together and talk about solutions to some of the world’s big problems, combining the wisdom of experience with the enthusiasm of youth.

Date:  Saturday 13 July 2019
Time:  9.00 am to 5.00 PM
Venue: Holy Cross Anglican Church, Hackett, Canberra ACT

World Council of Churches

WCC s2

Position Vacant - Editor, Coordinator WCC Publications 50-60%

Be part of the WCC communication team, work as co-editor for their website. 
Duty Station:
Geneva, Switzerland - open to consultants based outside Switzerland.
Application deadline:
15 April 2019 

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Prayers, vigils and statements, as we stand in solidarity with our Muslim sisters and brothers in New Zealand and Australia for the loss of lives in two Christchurch Mosques.

calender thumb 2019

1 World Autism Day
7 World Health Day
14 Palm Sunday - Palm Sunday justice marches
19 Good Friday (Western Christian)
19 Passover begins (Judaism)
21 Easter Sunday (Western Christian)
25 Anzac Day
26 Good Friday (Orthodox Christian)
27  Passover ends (Judaism)
28 Easter Sunday (Orthodox Christian)


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