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Interfaith News

Prayers, vigils and statements, as we stand in solidarity with our Muslim sisters and brothers in New Zealand and Australia for the loss of lives in two Christchurch Mosques.


Where hate is planted in the garden of a community, although it is a poisonous weed;
where violence is worshipped like a god, although it is an idol;
where faith is targeted like an enemy, although it is a friend;
when lives are lost and hearts are broken
and neighbours of goodwill are clinging together amid the damage done by fear,
come to us, Spirit of hope.

Weep with us.
Make our love grow deeper. Make our embrace grow wider.
Gather us together as sisters and brothers and friends under your sheltering wings.

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Brunswick Vigil VIx300 


As we go to our Sunday prayers,
we grieve for those who went to Friday prayers and did not come home.
As we lay bare our sins in God's sight today and pray for mercy,
we remember that judgement belongs to God alone.
As we enjoy the diversity of people in our congregation,
we pray for the gift of difference to be recognised by our neighbours of all faiths and none.

Lord Jesus Christ,
son of Mary, son of David, son of Abraham, son of God,
keep on showing us your face in every child of earth.
Keep on sending us your Spirit
with courage to speak the truth clearly and live with your generous love. 

Photos by Bishop Philip Huggins, Prayer Vigil, RMIT Brunswick, VIC Prayers by The Rev'd Elizabeth Smith, Senior Mission Priest Parish of Goldfields, Kalgoorlie Member of the Liturgical Commission of the Anglican Church of Australia

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Columban Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations Statement on the terrorist attacks in Christchurch: 

To my Muslim sisters and brothers in Aotearoa New Zealand, Australia and around the world,
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته - as-salāmu alay-kum wa rahmatu-llāhi wa barakātu-hu
May the peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you.

Read the full statement by Rev Patrick McInerney, Director, Columban Centre for Christian-Muslim Relations on the Columban webpage


The Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations (APRO) statement condemning the attack was published earlier this week on our website. You can find the article, including the APRO statement and photos of Bishop Huggins attending Candlelight Prayers, organised by the Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV), in Melbourne on Saturday 16 March in our Latest News - https://www.ncca.org.au/news/latest-news/item/1668-multifaith-statement-on-christchurch-attack

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