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Monday, 18 March 2019 15:48

Multifaith statement on Christchurch attack

The NCCA stands in solidarity with the grieving and shocked in the wake of the attacks at two Mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand on Friday 15 March, 2019.

Many prayers are being said for Islamic community in New Zealand, here in Australia and throughout the world. We stand together to show our resilience and strength in the face of loss and violence; that love is stronger than hate, and peace is preferable to violence.

The Australian Partnership of Religious Organisations (APRO) has realeasd a statement condemning the attack and affirms:

"We all aspire towards an Australia that enjoys and celebrates religious diversity and provides an example of fairness, tolerance and inter-communal harmony and cooperation. Attacks such as this will only strengthen our resolve to work together for understanding and peace, in Australia and throughout the world."

You can read the APRO Statement here

NCCA President, Bishop Philip Huggins attended the Candlelight Prayers in Melbourne on Saturday 16 March, where he spoke and prayed. The Prayer vigil was organised by the Islamic Council of Victoria (ICV). 

Christchurch beforex500

Bishop Philip Huggins with the Melbourne Prayer Vigil convenor ICV’s Bayram Aktepe


Bishop Philip places his arm around Bayram Aktepe

 Christchurch IMGx500With members of the Melbourne community.


Read statements on the Christchurch Mosque attacks made by:

Christian Conference of Asia 

World Council of Churches 

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