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World Day of Prayer 2020


"Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk"

The World Day of Prayer (WDP) 2020 host country this year is Zimbabwe.

The Bible study text is John 5: 2-9a. The WDP program is based on Jesus' encounter with a lame man by pool of Bethesda. It is to be a call to act in love for peace and reconciliation. 

“Rise! Take Your Mat and Walk,” said Jesus. Our sisters from Zimbabwe say this is the time for change! “The action verbs suggest that we should not be afraid to act on the word of God. God is offering us the steps for personal and social transformation.” 

We are empowered to take up our mats. No more waiting powerlessly on the mat. Let us give a healing hand to the needy, let us embrace children with love as their future is ahead, and let us open our arms in joy as the time to rise up has come.​ This is the time for change!​

May we hear the words of this compassionate God and the Prince of Peace to act upon the healing of ourselves and our communities to bring peace and reconciliation into the world.

Read the pdf World Day of Prayer 2020 Media Release (552 KB)  

"The World Day of Prayer is a global ecumenical movement led by Christian women who welcome you to join in prayer and action for peace and justice. It is run under the motto “Informed Prayer and Prayerful Action,” and is celebrated annually in over 170 countries on the first Friday in March. The movement aims to bring together women of various races, cultures and traditions in a yearly common Day of Prayer, as well as in closer fellowship, understanding and action throughout the year."

Visit the office World Day of Prayer Australia website for more information. http://www.worlddayofprayeraustralia.org/ 

For more service locations click here http://www.worlddayofprayeraustralia.org/locate-a-service/

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