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Lenten reflections on Water

EWNlogoSeven Weeks for Water 2020

The World Council of Churches Ecumenical Water Network (WCC-EWN) invites you to use the season of Lent to reflect on water.

This year the Biblical-theological reflections and resources focus on the water crisis in the Pacific region.

Since 2008, the WCC-EWN through its campaign “Seven Weeks for Water” - has been providing weekly theological reflections and other resources on water for the seven weeks of Lent and for World Water Day on 22 March (which always falls during the Lenten period).

The reflections will be published on the WCC-EWN website and we encourage member churches to use these resources during the Lenten period.

EWN.1Week 1:

Solwara: Saltiness and the Liquid Continent - an introduction to the Seven Weeks for Water from the perspective of Oceania, by Rev. James Bhagwan.

In his reflection, Rev. James Bhagwan, general secretary of the Pacific Conference of Churches (PCC), identifies himself and his community as “ocean people” and laments that the very saltiness that makes the ocean unique for earth’s sustainability is in danger of losing it.

CLICK HERE read more.

Week 2:

EWN.2What moves above the waters: fresh water challenges of the Pacific

The second reflection of the seven weeks for water 2020 of the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network is by Nikotemo Sopepa, an ordained minister of the Ekalesia Kelisiano Tuvalu. He compares the life-affirming spirit of God that was hovering on the waters in the beginning of the creation story with today’s “death dealing” spirit of commercialization of water over the waters of the pacific region which is worsening its fresh water availability.

CLICK HERE to read more.


Further reflections are published weekly. To access these please go the the WCC’s Ecumenical Water Network website page -   https://water.oikoumene.org/en/whatwedo/seven-weeks-for-water/reflections-2020



Other Lenten resources 

'We will Rise'

A Lenten Resource, developed in response to the bushfires and trauma across Australia:
MediaCom Education and Ex-Moderator of the Uniting Church SA, Rev Sue Ellis have prepared a 46-day devotional study for Lent that focuses on building hope out of loss.

The booklet is available from MediaCom Education now: http://www.mediacom.org.au/bookcase/rise.html and can also be downloaded online from the MediaCom Education website.

A sample of the resource can also be viewed here: www.mediacom.org.au/bookcase/rise.html 

More information here

Lent 2020 – Becoming People of Hope Today

TEAR Australia - https://www.tear.org.au/resources/lent-2020 

Where do we go from here?

Anglican Board of Mission - https://www.abmission.org/resources.php?action=list-items&catId=28 

The 2020 Lenten program, Be Opened – A journey to new life

Reflections on the Sunday Gospels – Lent and Easter Sunday – Year A

Evangelisation Brisbane (Catholic) - http://evangelisationbrisbane.org.au/resources/lenten-program/ 

Loyola Press



Common Grace





A Lenten calendar from the Catholic Religious Australia

This Lent, reflect on and transform your relationship to God’s creation through simple daily gestures and commitments.

Take this time as an opportunity to live more wisely, think more deeply and love more generously.

Download the 2020  pdf Lenten Carbon Fast Calendar (204 KB)

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