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Military Christian Fellowship of Australia

10th NationalMCF Day of Prayer for Defence

28 - 29 March 2020

For the last nine years the Military Christian Fellowship of Australia (MCFA) has conducted a National Day of Prayer for Defence. This year, the MCFA seek to stand with more of their brothers and sisters in Christ around Australia in lifting the Defence Organisation and those who support it to God in prayer.

Defence personnel and their families are immensly encouraged by your ongoing support and prayers.


Defence Christians and those Christians with a heart for Defence, pray across a number of areas relevant to Defence. These include but are not limited to Defence members, their families (particularly with respect to deployed personnel), Defence leadership, Defence chaplains and Defence-related Christian ministries. Many choose to pray on the designated day (a Saturday), although many too choose times that suit those of their fellowship or small group, in the week preceding or on the Sunday afterwards.

The MCFA acknowledge that many churches already have designated occasions during the year where they focus on Defence in prayer. This however, can be viewed as a ‘one-off’ commitment which should not necessarily be taken to replace any other events that you may have of a similar nature.

If you would like to participate in prayer please contact the MCF Office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For further details see http://mcf-a.org.au/events/save-date-national-day-prayer-defence-28-march-2020/, and to add your congregation to the list of those participating.


For those considering devoting a time for prayer, the MCFA have made available:

Watch the short promotional video  - https://youtube/SE6rAwXo_lA

A generic prayer booklet can be downloaded here or click on the image left. You are welcome to adapt to your area or use parts of as you see fit.

Please feel free to pass on this information through your churches and networks. 

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