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For your worship and prayers at home


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him,
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13

These are unprecedented times, as we know. The more leadership we offer together and are seen to offer together, so much the better!


Resources, prayers and pastoral messages from some of our member churches can be found on the links below:


Anglican Church of Australia

The Diocese of Melbourne has a web page with guidance for their Parishes.

Antiochian Orthodox Church

Find the church's resources on health and hygiene

Chinese Methodist Church in Australia

Related Prayer points are published weekly. 

Greek Orthodox Church

An updated encyclical in English and Greek, from His Eminence Archbishop Makarios.

Lutheran Church of Australia

The LCA/NZ recommends that members stay informed of developments regarding the COVID-19 pandemic and enact any action that may be recommended by the relevant authorities.

With kind permission, the Lutheran Church Bishop's Message is reprinted below to share with our readers.

What an important time this is for Christians to practise love, patience and tolerance! God grant us the faith, hope and love we need to be kind, caring and generous toward our neighbours. Let them see in us something of our hope and faith in Jesus our Lord, and the assurance that God is most certainly with us in every situation.
Let us pray for the many people in need at this time:

  • for local and national authorities in our own countries and elsewhere tasked with formulating and implementing public health measures and measures to address the virus’s economic impact;
  • for the citizens of our countries, that they will listen to and heed the instructions of the authorities and remain calm, caring for the most needy;
  • for hospital staff caring for COVID-19 patients (and other patients too of course!), and for medical scientists working on a vaccine;
  • for efforts to relieve feelings of isolation experienced by people who are confined to home; 
  • for people who are worrying about their businesses and jobs; and 
  • for ourselves and our fellow citizens, that our actions towards each other will be guided by care and concern.

Pastor John Henderson
Bishop, Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand
Adelaide, South Australia 

Mar Thoma Church

Church website lists:

Quakers - Religious Society of Friends

You can find information, updates and access to online meetings for worship on the website. 

Catholic Church in Australia

The church has a dedicated webpage with advice, links to a range of resources to support Catholics who are unable to attend Mass.

Click here to access these resources, including: Mass on Demand and livestreaming options; Scripture readings and reflections; Prayer resources.

Romanian Orthodox Church 

Church website lists:

The Salvation Army in Australia

Has published information regarding:

Uniting Church in Australia


NB: This is just a short list, please contact your state or local church office for more information.

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