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Christian Conference of Asia

Webinar to be held on International Women’s Day

 ‘Transformational Leadership of Women in a Post-COVID-19 World’

 Scheduled:  Monday 8 March 2021, 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM (Bangkok, Thailand time)

The Christian Conference of Asia (CCA) is set to continue its webinar series hosted in the context of the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic. The upcoming webinar will focus on the theme, ‘Transformational Leadership of Women in a Post-COVID-19 World’. 

The webinar will discuss the facets of the transformative leadership of women, systemic and institutional challenges posed, and best practices to empower women’s decision-making which should enable a gender-fair environment. It will be an opportunity to recognise the remarkable contributions of women and girls around the globe for a more equal and just world. It also highlights the importance of creating conditions for the elimination of discrimination against women and for their full and equal participation in society. 

The webinar will discuss the transformational leadership of women and the modalities enabling women to be agents of change. The panellists for the webinar will include representatives from UN Women, church and ecumenical organisations, as well as women’s rights organisations. They will share experiences while emphasising the urgent need for women’s leadership in public and private spheres of life.

Register: Online via Zoom  

For additional details, please refer to the concept note: ‘Transformational Leadership of Women in a Post-COVID-19 World – Concept Note’ 


The Reports of the CCA’s previous webinars on Women’s Issues: 

* The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Women in Asia: Vital Needs and Post-Crisis Recovery (21 May 2020)

Report : Watch on YouTube 

* Towards Wider Partnerships for Combatting Trafficking in Women and Girls amidst COVID-19 (1 October 2020)

Report: Watch on YouTube

* The Impact of Growing Religious Extremism on Women in Asia (15 December 2020)

Report: Watch on YouTube 




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