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UN & Australia Sustainable Partnerships Forum

 Gender Equality Focus 

“Gender equality is perhaps the world’s greatest human rights challenge. Women’s equal leadership and representation is the game changer we need” – UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, 2021

Gender Equality will be one of the key themes of the UN & Australia Sustainable Partnerships Forum to be delivered virtually on 20 and 21 April  2021.

Delegates will be able to take part in three key discussions featuring leading women whose opinions are shaping the way we think about gender equality and implementing programs which are having real effects. Audience members will be encouraged to interact with panellists and share resources.


Economic Empowerment of Women and Girls

When: 12noon to 1pm, Tuesday 20 April

Janelle Weissman, Executive Director, UN Women Australia, will be joined by Preeya Ieli, Women’s Economic Empowerment Programme Specialist, UN Women Fiji Multi-Country Office and Brodie Vansleve, Program Director, Global Education Equity, BHP Foundation.

This session will focus on the partnerships needed to ensure we can assist in economically empowering women and girls in Australia and internationally. The highly impactful UN Women's Markets for Change and Second Chance Education and Vocational Learning Programmes will be discussed as examples for future collaborations.

For more information click the link in the title.


Women in Leadership

When: 2.15pm to 3.15pm, Tuesday 20 April 

Writer, Speaker and Advocate, Yasmin Poole, will host this discussion which will include

Professor Michelle Ryan, Inaugural Director, Global Women’s Leadership Institute, Stav Zotalis, Head of Global Engagement, ActionAid Australia and Victoria McKenzie-McHarg, Strategic Director, Women's Environmental Leadership Australia (WELA).

As crisis after crisis unfolded in 2020, women found themselves on the frontlines and stepped up to lead their communities through bushfires, COVID-19, the climate crisis and economic recession. How can we make sure that women lead the creation of solutions to issues such as climate change, economic injustice and natural disasters that have such an impact on their lives? 

For more information click the link in the title.


Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices)

When: 11.45am to 12.45pm, Wednesday 21 April 

June Oscar AO, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, and her team travelled across Australia to capture the views of First Nations women and girls. This session will discuss the partnerships needed to ensure that real change results from this national conversation. 

For more information click the link in the title.


Please visit www.partnershipsforum.unaa.org.au for all Forum details and tickets.



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