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Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

Update on Ukraine and Afghanistan 

Micah Australia welcomes the positive intentions expressed by the PM in recent days on Ukraine refugees, but makes the case that to deal properly with the multiple crises gripping our world, Australia must increase its permanent commitment to our Refugee and Humanitarian Program and still deliver an additional 20,000 places for Afghanistan.

Read Micah Australia Media Release:  pdf Tim Costello “Bolster refugee & aid programs to handle massive world crises in Ukraine and Afghanistan” (99 KB)  

Australians demand a more generous refugee response

The Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) is calling on the Australian Government to reverse recent cuts to the Refugee and Humanitarian Program as community pressure grows for a more generous national response.  RCOA president Jasmina Bajraktarevic-Hayward says Australians, deeply moved by the plight of refugees from Afghanistan and Ukraine, want their government to use the 2022 Budget to restore many of the 28,382 humanitarian visas lost since 2019 and commit to a larger annual program.  Earlier this month, RCOA published a brief outlining why the 10,000 humanitarian and 5,000 family visas offered to Afghans over four years had caused widespread disappointment. 

Read RCOA statement - Australians want a more open-hearted national response to refugees  

ACRTx350Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) is an activity of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA).  

We believe our faith calls us to welcome the stranger and care for the people who find themselves displaced, marginalised or homeless, and those in need of protection. We want to see a compassionate and generous response to welcoming refugees into Australia.

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