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Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce

Latest news

ACRT welcomes new co-chairs: Major Karen Elkington and Rev Sandy Boyce.

The NCCA is delighted to announce that The Salvation Army's Major Karen Elkington (pictured) will be a new co-chair with Rev Sandy Boyce.

Major Karen is the Manager of the Asylum Seeker & Refugee Service Victoria. She will share her role with Victorian Council of Churches' Executive Officer, Rev Sandy Boyce.

We are thankful for both women, their thirst for justice and faithful service for the taskforce. 


NSW Government refugee settlement strategy

The new strategy to help guide future settlement of refugees and asylum seekers has been released by the NSW Minister for Multiculturalism, Mark Coure.

Minister Coure said the NSW Settlement Strategy represents the first time any level of government in Australia has a dedicated plan focused on helping people not just on their arrival but throughout their entire settlement journey.  

“While we don’t control the number of people the Federal Government allows into NSW, we can be better prepared. This new strategy helps us do this by providing a structured, whole-of-government focus to better support the people that come into our state.”

Read: New strategy to help guide future settlement of refugees and asylum seekers | NSW Government, Published 27 Feb 2023


Refugee Support Fund Grant

Assistance for vulnerable groups unable to access Australian Government support.

Next round closes: 10 March 2023

Assistance for vulnerable groups unable to access Australian Government support

The NCCA has a Christian vision of compassion, generosity and hospitality for people seeking asylum and refugees in Australia that guides the advocacy work of the Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) and the establishment of the Refugee Support Grant Fund.

NCCA wishes to assist people seeking asylum and refugees to live in dignity in Australia as independent individuals living their lives to the fullest (John 10:10) and sharing their traditions, skills and talents with us all.

Visit: the Refugee Support Grant Fund page of our ACRT website for GUIDELINES and APPLICATION FORM 

Applications: to be submitted to the NCCA Ltd Board of Directors, with forms completed and returned electronically to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

Closing date: 10 March 2023


All enquiries and applications should be directed to:  General Secretary, National Council of Churches in Australia   Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


ACRTx350Australian Churches Refugee Taskforce (ACRT) is an activity of the National Council of Churches in Australia (NCCA).   

We believe our faith calls us to welcome the stranger and care for the people who find themselves displaced, marginalised or homeless, and those in need of protection. We want to see a compassionate and generous response to welcoming refugees into Australia. 








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