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Message from the General Secretary

Sr Elizabeth Delaney SGS

This year the liturgical calendars of eastern and western churches remind us that we still have some way to travel before we reach the unity that is God’s desire for God’s church. This year our eastern and western churches celebrate the passion and resurrection of Christ five weeks apart.

Within weeks we will celebrate the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. While the churches in the northern hemisphere have already celebrated this special week, in the southern hemisphere churches mainly celebrate it in the week before Pentecost – beginning on the feast of Ascension and culminating in the great feast of Pentecost. I have always viewed the ‘southern’ timing as the more appropriate. However, I admit the limitations of my thinking – I have not been sufficiently aware of my Eastern sisters and brothers, as this week of prayer is celebrated according to the western celebration of Pentecost.

The theme for the celebration of the Week of Prayer in 2016 is ‘Called to proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord!’ The Latvian writing group who prepared the resource suggest that the Bible be placed on the lectern and a candle and a bowl of salt be placed either by the lectern or near the baptismal font. As they state ‘Salt and light are images of what it is that Christians have to give the people of our times: we take a word from God that gives flavour to life, which can so often seem bland and empty; and we take a gracious word that guides and helps people to see and understand themselves and their world’.

If we are unable to participate in an ecumenical prayer service, perhaps during this week each time we sprinkle salt on our food, or switch on a light we might pray for our churches that we might be and receive salt and light and in so doing move ever closer to receiving Christ’s gift of unity.

The approaching celebration of Pentecost is a reminder that God’s Spirit continues to work in us, in our churches, in our institutions and in our world. We pray that the Holy Spirit works in the National Council of Churches in Australia. In fact signs of the Spirit abound in the activities of our commissions and networks: Act for Peace has launched the Ration Challenge; Faith and Unity Commission has completed responses to the World Council of Churches and has prepared a pre-forum event to be held on Friday 24 June; the Social Justice network is working on a project that will assist members of our churches, collating various pieces addressing What do the churches say about …?; the Safe Churches program has completed a revision of its resources and has commenced planning the next Safe as Churches? Conference; the Eco Mission Project has actively supported the Interfaith Climate Statement signed last week; and the company members of NCCA Ltd have accepted the new Constitution subject to approval by the Forum. All this is possible because of the enthusiasm, commitment and dedication of many people.

visitors from KoreaJust recently, we were pleased to enjoy a visit from three members of Pwo Karen Baptist Conference in Myanmar. Rev Mahn Benson (President), and Rev Mahn Ye Lwin Htoo (General Secretary) came from Myanmar, and Pastor S’win Shwe came from Western Australia where he ministers with the Myanmar people in Perth. They spoke enthusiastically of the vocational training centre that they have established, and which has now graduated two classes in housekeeping. This has resulted in approximately seventy students from remote areas receiving training and having opportunities for employment. Needless to say, they welcome any financial support that the churches may offer.

Receptive ecumenism is surely the work of the Spirit! The Fourth International Conference on Receptive Ecumenism will be held at University House, Australian National University, Canberra from Monday 6 November to Thursday 9 November 2017. Keynote speakers will be Professor Paul Murray (Durham UK) and Professor Michael Welker (Heidelberg, Germany). For further information, contact Revd Dr Ray Williamson, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., +61 417 447 981 or +612 6272 6213.

As we continue our journey – be it a Lenten journey or one of rejoicing with Easter hope, may we give thanks for the presence of the Lord in our lives and in our communities.

Sr Elizabeth Delaney SGS
General Secretary

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