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From the chair - Faith and Unity Commission

Faith and Unity Commission: Core business of the NCCA

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An unexpected adjustment to the Agenda last November saw me elected to chair the Faith and Unity Commission of the NCCA. Firstly, my deep appreciation goes to outgoing chair, Rev. Canon Cathy Thompson, for her leadership over the last few years. But now, down to business: what exactly do we do? 

Faith and Unity gathers a vigorous (sometimes feisty) group of representatives of our different traditions, twice a year, to work together on issues of faith, mission, doctrine or ecclesiology. Often these reflect the work of the World Council of Churches; at other times they may respond to issues of the Australian churches or our own Forum or Dialogue groups. Our aim is to hear and understand one another in our differences, the better to work together as sisters and brothers in Christ. Our reflections are offered to the Executive and posted online for the benefit of church leaders, students and members who are keen to see us sharing our insights as well as our struggles.

Over the last few years we have discussed and responded to WCC papers on ecclesiology (A Common Vision), moral discernment, baptism, authority and accountability. We have reviewed and encouraged our bilateral dialogues, here and overseas. We have studied the newer approach of Receptive Ecumenism and wondered if we could solve the riddle of the different dates for Easter, sadly, not so far.

One key responsibility is for the Australian version of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. A talented ecumenical group works for the Commission to ensure the materials are adapted to our needs and available for churches to share.

Please have a browse through the Faith and Unity resources on the NCCA website and if you like what you find, drop us a line.

Rev. Graham Perry (UCA)

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