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Around the States - Victoria

Brunswick, Melbourne

Around the States - Victoria

A Spoonful of Gratitude Community Project

On May 7 a feast will be held for 200 people, from 11am - 4pm at Siteworks, 33 Saxon Street in Brunswick. People are being asked to donate a very special recipe and the story behind it.

The recipes are being captured on the day and photographed to be published in a cookbook. All proceeds from the feast and the cookbook will be going to the charity -Feed The Little Children. 

Feed The Little Children are aiming to raise $20,000 this year. The charity provides 5000 nutritious meals to young children from single parent Indigenous families in Broome. They cook and deliver 300 meals twice a week on Friday and Saturday and their target is 365 days a year. Their bigger vision is to teach the kids how to prepare nutritious food through a cooking program and how to grow their own food.

For more information on the Brunswick event:

Donations can be made to the charity on their Go Fund Me page

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