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Multifaith Climate Change Petition

Multifaith Climate Change Petition Take action, maintain hope as we see and feel the damage to our climate more and more.
With the federal government reviewing policies, now is the time for us as people of faith to lead and help our communities to speak up and be heard. Speak boldly for better laws and policies to stop damaging our climate, shift to clean energy, and create a better future for people and our living world
Australian Religious Response to Climate Change joins with Micah Australia for a petition in all 150 electorates in Australia. [read more]
This petition is aimed at being the largest coordinated multi-electorate petition in Australia's history – something that can’t be ignored! It asks our elected representatives to do all in their power to protect communities in Australia and our region from the harmful impacts of damage to our climate.

Sign up now online to help with collecting signatures in your community. 

This is a defining moment for people of faith showing national leadership on our moral obligation to not harm others, be fair and care for the most vulnerable – but it will only be possible if people of faith across the country help to lead it.

4c Micah                                                 4c ARRCC logo
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